Don't Get Caught "Sneating." That's Going on Dates for a Free Meal

Jasmine Diaz
November 8, 2022
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here’s a new dating tread on the rise, but it’s not as original as you think. It’s called Sneating. Sneating is the process of going on dinner dates specifically for free food, but if you’ve been dating any length of time, you will know that Sneating is not a new concept.

The biggest question that comes to mind about Sneating is the rise of #MeToo and whether women are obligated to do anything in return. Traditionally, men pay for the first dinner date, but that date should not come with the expectation of a happy ending. If a “sneater’ wants to enjoy dinner while knowing there is no chance for a second date, isn’t that the risk every single takes?

Subjecting people to "payments" for meals in the form of sex or more dates is gross and should be dismissed strongly, which is why Sarah (a serial sneater) told Whimn that she has "no regrets" about it.

"I’m studying science-law, so my workload is pretty heavy, but I have also had a series of dodgy jobs to try to support myself. I still work casual shifts waiting tables in a seafood restaurant but honestly it’s barely enough to cover my living expenses. Most nights, I eat rice with soy sauce."

She goes on to say, "I’ve been dating like this for about six months now, and I’ve scored probably close to 40 free meals from nice restaurants. It’s not like I order the lobster or anything either, it’s fruit and veggies I miss the most in my student poverty, so I often order vegetarian. Anything with lots of greens in it. And the bonus is that I’m casting my net more broadly than I otherwise would, so I’m meeting lots of interesting guys."

Daters like Sarah are quite common, but should they be ridiculed or applauded?

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